How to Plan Your Finances Correctly to Establish Economic Stability
After understanding the definition of financial planning, questions then arise regarding how to plan finances properly and correctly, including for bank customers. Planning in the financial sector is the first step to living a realistic and quality life. In addition, by understanding these methods, your life may become safer and calmer.
How to Plan Finances Well and Correctly
In general, there are 3 methods regarding planning in the financial sector. Before learning about these three, it's best to understand that planning doesn't mean reducing expenses when you manage. However, planning helps someone to allocate certain funds for important things based on a priority scale. So, what is a good and correct planning method?
How to Plan Your Finances Correctly to Establish Economic Stability |
1. First Method: Planning in Detail
The first method that should be learned is how to plan in detail. These financial tips are done via the application or manually. Usually, the budget planning in question often uses the help of Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. The aim is to make it easier to record every transaction, from income to expenditure for 1 year.
Then, decide on specific expenses that can be reduced within that time frame. In addition, monthly income is calculated, but this calculation is deducted from income tax. So, don't forget to record fixed costs or costs that you are responsible for paying. Usually in the form of rent, debt, or installments.
Next, don't forget about variable costs in financial tips, namely costs with a nominal value that can be changed according to needs, such as food costs. From these costs, you can find the costs for savings, for example saving at the bank. The final step is to compare income excluding taxes with expenses each month.
2. Second Method: Applying Planning
After planning your finances in detail, you have to apply this planning. It is best if the application is carried out by prioritizing financing for dependents. Then, if there is a surplus of income, you can save at the bank to get various benefits. Apart from that, there is no harm in allocating surpluses for deposit investments in the banking world.
Well, the surplus can also be used for fun according to financial tips. However, it is much wiser to use the surplus to save, pay off debt, invest, etc. However, this does not mean that financial planning can guarantee financial health forever, because deficits can occur at any time due to various factors, such as inflation.
Thus, you need to consider changing bad habits in using your budget. For example, reducing the budget for secondary needs or even tertiary needs. Don't forget to record every transaction, whether income or expenditure, to meet short-term and long-term needs.
3. Third Method: Be consistent
The point is, don't let the plans you have worked so hard to make only last for one or two months, but try to consistently use them. This can be done by reviewing the budget every month. Apart from that, if there is a change in your nominal income or you experience additional dependents, don't hesitate to change your planning according to these financial tips.
If you find it difficult to carry out planning well, use certain tools. On the other hand, you can also involve banking institutions that the public trusts, such as BPR, to use credit cards or take advantage of other banking services. If so, give yourself a treat.
So, those are good and correct financial planning methods. So, don't forget to pay attention to planning, then application, and finally be consistent. Apart from that, involve a financial institution in your financial planning, because this banking institution provides various tempting benefits.